
Friday, December 28, 2018

The World Around Us! - Water, Water, Everywhere! - Week 2 - Day 3 - Activity 2 - SLJ - First You ‘Sea’ Me, Now You Don’t…!

A Local Delicacy!

One of my favourite food is Pizza! BBQ meatlovers pizza from Dominos! YUMMY!
The ingredients are:

  1. Olive oil cooking spray
  2. Two lean beef sausages
  3. 26cm frozen pizza base, thawed
  4. 1/4 cup BBQ sauce
  5. One small red onion, halved, thinly sliced
  6. 50g 97% fat - free rindless bacon, chopped
  7. 60g shaved pastrami, roughly chopped
  8. Six cherry tomatoes, quartered
By Cathy / Catherine!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cathy,

    Yum!!! It's Leslie in Canada feeling very hungry at the moment. I'm a member of the SLJ team and it's a real pleasure to look at a photo of pizza, I have to say. It's one of my favourite food groups!!

    Do you ever make pizza at home? Our family often does. Our granddaughter and son-in-law are gluten-free so we use different crusts when they're with us. Did you know that you can make a pizza crust out of ground-up cauliflower? It's actually really good! But you have to eat the pizza with a knife and fork because it doesn't hold together well enough for you to pick the pieces up. I don't mind that at all, though.

    I'm enjoying reading your blog. You're working very hard at the all of the activities - good for you!!


