
Friday, August 24, 2018

Reading - DLO - Malala Yousafzai - By Cathy

In Room 1 for reading I learnt about Malala the girl who stood up for education for girls and then I made a DLO on her. This is my reading DLO on Malala:


 By Cathy / Catherine

Lion Report - DLO - By Cathy

In Room 1 we have been learning about lions and elephants. The year 7 and 8's had to make elephant DLOs and the year 6's had to make DLOs on lions. This is my lions DLO:


By Cathy / Catherine

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

R.E. - Poster - The CTK Way - Our Values - By Cathy

This week we were working on the God strand for RE. We learned about our CTK values and made posters on them. This is my poster: 

By Cathy / Catherine

Monday, August 6, 2018

Lion Report - By Cathy

Lion Report!
Image result for lion
By Cathy / Catherine

Lions are amazing animals. They can be found in Savannas. They
can also be found in Africa and in G.I.R National Park in western
India. Their roar can be heard eight miles away.

Lions are majestic creatures with golden fur. Their golden fur
makes it easy for them to be camouflaged and approach their prey.
Most male lions have a beautiful mane but some male lions don’t.
Their beautiful mane grows from their neck. All female lions have
no mane like most male lions. Female lions are also much smaller.

Lions don’t just live in Savannas, Africa, and G.I.R National Park
in Western India they also live in grasslands. Lions mark their
territory with their pee. Lions are animals that stick together as
groups. A group of lions are called a pride. In a pride there is one
adult lion who is the leader and other lions female or male. Lions
live in prides of 10 to 15 lions but there can be up to 30 lions in a
pride, but most prides are small. Lions can live up to 12 to 16
years. They can live up to 25 years in captivity.

A female lion eats 5 kilograms of meat a day and a male lion eats
7 kgs of meat in one day! Lions are not herbivores they are
carnivores. Lions eat animals like antelopes, baby elephants,
rhinos, hippos, wilds hogs, crocodiles, and giraffes. Sometimes
lions eat smaller animals like mice, hares, birds, and turtles.

Endangered Species:
African lions are now considered endangered species. One reason
is that their homes are being destroyed and without a home the
lions start dying. Just over a century ago there were more than
200,000 wild lions living in Africa. Today there are only about
20,000. Lions are extinct in 26 African countries (2017 August 10).
The International Union for the Conservation of Nature estimates
that trophy - hunting tourists legally kills 600 lions each year. It
costs $22,000 to kill a lion. On Some fur jackets there are lions
manes on the hoodies of jackets. Lions bones are used in some

Lions are aggressive, majestic, furry, and fast animals. They stick
together and can run 81 kilometers an hour. African lions are the
most social of all big cats and male lions defend the pride's territory
while females do most of the hunting. We need to protect the lion
population by not destroying their natural habitats and killing them
for animal trophies.

By Cathy / Catherine