
Tuesday, December 18, 2018

The World Around Us! - A Place to Stand! - Week 1 - Day 2 - Activity 1 - SLJ - Forest Life!

Giants Among Us!

Tane Mahuta!

I would love to visit "The Lord Of The 

Forest", that is Tane Mahuta! I love 

trees and flowers and all sorts of nature

 because they are the home to many 

animals, so I would love to visit this 

amazingly tall tree!

By Cathy / Catherine!


  1. hi cathy
    great job Cathy. If you went to the middle of the forest what animal would you like to see?. What type of tree is your favorite?
    My favorite is a evergreen tree.
    Great good keep it up

  2. Tena koe Cathy,

    I am glad that you would like to visit Tāne Mahuta, I too would love to see such a wonder of nature in person. A next step for you would be to include a little bit of background information about our mighty Kauri trees.

    Do you know how long it takes for them to fully grow? Or how tall they can grow to be? Let me know if you do and if you don't take some time to find out :) It's always good to learn more about the wonders we have here in Aotearoa.

    I hope your holiday is coming along nicely and you had a grand Christmas.

    I look forward to reading more of your posts over the summer.

    Toe feiloa'i fo'i,

