
Friday, January 4, 2019

The World Around Us! - Up, Up, and Away! - Week 3 - Day 4 - Activity 1 - SLJ - Like a Scene Out of a Movie!

The Southern Lights!
Light it UP!

L - Light up the sky!
I - I like the colours!
G - Gasping people!
H - High in the sky!
T - Together with family!
S - South Sky!


  1. KIA ORA my name is Emacyn i'am also doing the Summer learning journey
    I looks like you are doing very good i like how creaticive you are with your poem.I also like how you used the picture as you poem.
    blog you later

  2. Hey there Cathy, it's Billy here from the Summer Learning Journey team.

    Thank you for writing and sharing this acrostic poem for the Southern Lights. It really does look amazing. Do you think you would like to see them? I bet they're even more amazing in real life.

    It looks like it would be freezing there though. But you're right, it would be nice to be together with the family. Nature can be beautiful sometimes.

    How has your summer been? Have you been enjoying many outdoor activities?

    Thanks, Billy.
