
Thursday, March 1, 2018

Recount Of Cordes Hotel by Cathy / Catherine

This is my Recount Of Cordes Hotel:
Recount Of Cordes Hotel

It was finally Monday and time to go to the hotel to do some coding. I was so
excited and my friend Neesha was too! We ate a big morning tea and went into
class. After everyone ate a bit we all lined up and to go on the bus.

Usually me and Neesha are in the same class so when we go  on trips we take
turns sitting near the window. This year when we got on the bus we realized the
bus had cold air coming through the air conditioners, it was so cool!.

When we reached there and stepped into the hotel we saw lots of fancy people
wearing red coats looking at us. “Hello” they said. Then everyone said “Hi”
back. We all started following Miss Paton to the coding room.

When we got to the coding room we all were amazed. As soon we got in the
teachers from the Coding Clubs - Sarah and Michael told us to go on the mat.
When we looked up we saw a beautiful chandelier hanging from the ceiling.
It was so pretty!

After the teacher showed us what to do we all got to go on a laptop and started.
I picked the front seat and I told Neesha
“There’s a spot here come fast “ I said. When Neesha sat down she realized she
was using the laptop that was casted on the projector in the room. Everyone
could see what she was doing.

Neesha didn’t really like that at first so she asked if she could swap seats with
me and I said “ Yes ”. It was so much fun! Whenever I tried to connect a sound
\to the game I was making {Ghostbusters} everyone could hear it. Sometimes
we got scared because it was really loud.

After awhile we all finished and it was time to present. After that we all got awards for taking part at the
code club workshop. We even got plastic water bottles with cold water inside, great for summer. It was
time to go so we all walked back onto the bus and went back to school.

Being at the code club workshop was so much fun. We learned how to use scratch better and we made a
game. We even meet some people who came from all over the world. This trip was really fun!

By Cathy / Catherine

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