
Thursday, January 17, 2019

The World Around Us! - Protect and Preserve! - Week 4 - Day 3 - Activity 2 - SLJ - Taking Action!

Protecting the Most Vulnerable - Fact or Fiction?
True or False!?


There are only 53 Maui dolphins lefts! TRUE / FALSE

People predict that these dolphins will be extinct by 2033! TRUE / FALSE

Maui dolphins are native to Australia! TRUE / FALSE

Maui dolphins are the smallest of the world’s 32 dolphin species! TRUE / FALSE

Females Maui dolphins have their first calf (baby) between 7 – 9 years 
of age! TRUE / FALSE

Maui dolphins are a orange colour! TRUE / FALSE

Maui dolphins only live up to 20 years! TRUE / FALSE
Image result for quiz time gif animated


  1. Kia ora Cathy,

    What an awesome quiz you have put together. I found it really interesting researching all the answers to your quiz.

    The answers I have come up with are:
    1. False - I read that there are approximately 63 adult Maui dolphins remaining in the waters surrounding New Zealand. The population of Maui dolphins is between 55 & 75.

    2. False - This one was a trick question. I couldn't find a website that gave a definitely answer of 2033. However, I did read that scientist believe that the Maui dolphin will be extinct within a few decades. What did you have for this answer?

    3. False - The Maui dolphin is found in the waters of New Zealand.

    4. True - The Maui dolphin is indeed the smallest of 32 dolphin species

    5. True - Maui dolphins can be as young as 7 when they have their first calf.

    6. False - A Maui dolphin is most definitely not orange :)

    7. True - Maui dolphins can live up to 20 years old.

    How did I do? Did I get the quiz right?

    Ka pai on completing an awesome post, Cathy.

    Kindest regards,
    Megan :)
