
Saturday, January 19, 2019

The World Around Us! - Protect and Preserve! - Week 4 - Day 5 - Activity 1 - SLJ - The Sky’s the Limit!

Image result for save earths gifEnvironment Day - Beat Plastic Pollution!
Save the Planet!
3 Things I could do to save the planet!

  • Don't litter!
  • Put everything recyclable in the recycle bin!
  • Convince others to do the same!
By Cathy / Catherine!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cathy,

    It's Leslie here, a member of the Summer Learning Journey team.

    You've made 3 good suggestions of activities that will help us keep our planet cleaner and healthier. Good for you! And I love the animated video that you've posted - that's brilliant!!!

    You're doing a super job of these activities and I suspect you'll be a great participant in activities in your community that contribute to carefully living on our planet. Good for you!!

    My husband and I try to buy as few packaged goods as possible so we cook and bake from scratch most of the time. We also try to use containers that are reusable so that we're not creating more rubbish. Little things, but important, hopefully!!

    I'm so impressed with how hard you're working at the SLJ program. Well done!!


