
Saturday, December 29, 2018

The World Around Us! - Water, Water, Everywhere! - Week 2 - Day 5 - Activity 3 - SLJ - Wasting Away!

Faded Glory!
It's our fault for destroying nature, so it's our job to save it!

I think we could fundraise money to help save The Great Barrier Reef by doing these things:

  1. We do a comerrecal about fundraising for The Great Barrier Reef and then tell everyone to raise some money and then give the money through a website and the top 10 people who raise the most money will have to send their photo to the website and they will be in the commercial and every month the top 10 people will change!
  2. Make a website!
  3. Make poster and tell everybody in your committing about this problem!
Image result for help nature gif

The World Around Us! - Water, Water, Everywhere! - Week 2 - Day 5 - Activity 2 - SLJ - Wasting Away!

The Black Drain!
Rubbish, Rubbish EVERYWHERE!

1) Wairua river & Kaipatiki river
2) Wairua - Northland & Kaipatiki - Auckland
3) The Government has piped $2 million into a $4 million programme to improve freshwater quality in the Northern Wairoa River and many Northland dune lakes. Government is saying that they will make all rivers and lakes clean!

Image result for keep calm and save our water

The World Around Us! - Water, Water, Everywhere! - Week 2 - Day 5 - Activity 1 - SLJ - Wasting Away!

Off the Menu! NO MORE FISH! But what about my fish and chips?!

I think this rule is okay! I think this is okay because there is lots of other places that we can fish. If people didn't follow this rule there would be no more fish in shops for all the people who buy fish! I think this is fair on both sides because the people who sell fish will get their fish and the people who just want to fish for the family can go to another place to fish! But I think there is one problem, I think that they should lower the fine because what if someone didn't know their not aloud to fish in this area and caught one single fish and then went away and that person gets a $100 000 FINE! WHATTTTTT! So I think they should lower it down and maybe if the random person catches a lot of fish and takes a lot home, more than one time then they can have a $100 000 fine!

Image result for keep calm and save fish

The World Around Us! - Water, Water, Everywhere! - Week 2 - Day 4 - Activity 3 - SLJ - Spectacular, Spectacular!

Picture Perfect!

Selfie #1

I think all the boys are fans of famous rugby player and they play rugby as well. They are wearing clothes that represent sports teams! They were all at a rugby game and were watching their favourite team play! They were all smiling and having fun at the game! They were cheering and shouting! After a while the game had ended! they were getting reading to leave but they stopped because the saw the favourite player and wanted to take a selfie with them! As soon as the saw him they went to him and asked if they could take a selfie and he said yes! They took a selfie and and was so happy and full of joy!


By Cathy / Catherine!

The World Around Us! - Water, Water, Everywhere! - Week 2 - Day 4 - Activity 2 - SLJ - Spectacular, Spectacular!

It’s All in the Name! Name It!

If I had to name this neon green, pool, of stinky water, (Devil's Bath) something, I would name it this:

  1. Ogres Water*
  2. Drops of the dead
  3. Green Stink

By Cathy / Catherine!

The World Around Us! - Water, Water, Everywhere! - Week 2 - Day 4 - Activity 1 - SLJ - Spectacular, Spectacular!

Planes, Trains and Automobiles!
Cruising, Walking, or up in The Air!

If I had a choice to go see Millford Sound, I would want to see it on a helicopter! I want to see Millford Sound on a helicopter because I will get the best view, I also want to go on a helicopter because I have never been on a helicopter but I have been of a ship!

By Cathy / Catherine!

Friday, December 28, 2018

The World Around Us! - Water, Water, Everywhere! - Week 2 - Day 3 - Activity 3 - SLJ - First You ‘Sea’ Me, Now You Don’t…!

The Midnight Zone!
Quick Maths!

Let’s imagine that the average adult can lift 25 kg and the average child can lift 15 kg. How many adults and children will it take to move the giant squid (500kg) into its new room at Te Papa?

So if I wanted to know the answer to this maths problem I would do this:

425 divided by 25 = 17
75 divided by 15 = 5

So my answer is 17 adults and 5 kids!

The World Around Us! - Water, Water, Everywhere! - Week 2 - Day 3 - Activity 2 - SLJ - First You ‘Sea’ Me, Now You Don’t…!

A Local Delicacy!

One of my favourite food is Pizza! BBQ meatlovers pizza from Dominos! YUMMY!
The ingredients are:

  1. Olive oil cooking spray
  2. Two lean beef sausages
  3. 26cm frozen pizza base, thawed
  4. 1/4 cup BBQ sauce
  5. One small red onion, halved, thinly sliced
  6. 50g 97% fat - free rindless bacon, chopped
  7. 60g shaved pastrami, roughly chopped
  8. Six cherry tomatoes, quartered
By Cathy / Catherine!

The World Around Us! - Water, Water, Everywhere! - Week 2 - Day 3 - Activity 1 - SLJ - First You ‘Sea’ Me, Now You Don’t…!

Night Owls!

I am a night owl, I love to stay up late and when why mum tells me to get up in the morning I don't! My mum on the other hand is early riser, she wakes up at 5 - 6 o clock, and if shes need to wake up at like 3 - 4, she does wake up and I CAN'T EVEN WAKE UP AT 8.00! WHAT! My dad is like me and is a NIGHT OWL! YAY!

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The World Around Us! - Water, Water, Everywhere! - Week 2 - Day 2 - Activity 3 - SLJ - Fabulous Flora!

Stranger Than Fiction!
Caution PLANTS!

Image result for baseball plantBaseball Plant!

3 Similar Things:
  • Both Toxic
  • Both have more than one name
  • Both grow flowers
3 Different Things:
  • Shape
  • Native to North American 
  • Size

Image result for white baneberry plantWhite Baneberry!

3 Similar Things:
  • Both Toxic
  • Both have more than one name
  • Both grow flowers

3 Different Things:
  • Shape
  • Native to South Africa
  • Size
By Cathy / Catherine!

The World Around Us! - Water, Water, Everywhere! - Week 2 - Day 2 - Activity 2 - SLJ - Fabulous Flora!

Mighty Mangroves!
Be Strong and Tough!

I think Julie the teacher that taught us self defence at Christ The King Catholic School, is really strong and tough! She is strong because she teaches self defence to so many girls around the world and she knows how to fight back and defend herself as well! I think she is tough because she isn't scared to fight back!


By Cathy / Catherine!

The World Around Us! - Water, Water, Everywhere! - Week 2 - Day 2 - Activity 1 - SLJ - Fabulous Flora!

Weaving a Tall Tale...
Weaving a Art Masterpiece!

Image result for flax weaving

Weaving is amazing! I've done some weaving at school in year 2/3, and year 6 and it was really fun, but  it was with paper, but I think in year 4 I did it with flax! I want to do some flax weaving because I like to do all kinds of art so I would love to do some weaving art as well!

By Cathy / Catherine!

The World Around Us! - Water, Water, Everywhere! - Week 2 - Day 1 - Activity 3 - SLJ - Swimming With Fish!

Something Smells Fishy...!
Fish Fuiz Quiz!

True or False!

Fish Fact #1: The oldest known fish in the world is a 65 year old Australian lungfish. TRUE!
Fish Fact #2: Sharks are the only fish that have eyelids. TRUE!
Fish Fact #3: Starfish are a type of fish. FALSE!
Fish Fact #4: Fish communicate with each other by making low-pitched sounds
(moans, hisses, etc) TRUE!
Fish Fact #5: Fish usually swim together in groups called ‘classes.’ FALSE!
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The World Around Us! - Water, Water, Everywhere! - Week 2 - Day 1 - Activity 2 - SLJ - Swimming With Fish!

The Great Taupo Cycle Challenge!
Cycle Time!

As my supporters I would chose my mum and dad because they will support me always and my cousin Stince because he is really funny and is nice sometimes! If I could bring more people I would bring my friends from CTK ( Christ the King! )!

By Cathy / Catherine!

The World Around Us! - Water, Water, Everywhere! - Week 2 - Day 1 - Activity 1 - SLJ - Swimming With Fish!

Surfs Up!

Image result for Badminton

One of my favourite things to do in summer, is playing badminton with my family! I like playing badminton because you don't need to do a lot of running and it's fun!

By Cathy / Catherine!

Thursday, December 27, 2018

The World Around Us! - A Place to Stand! - Week 1 - Day 5 - Activity 3 - SLJ - Blink And You'll Miss It!

Going, going....gone!
My land, my home!

New Zealand is an amazing place to live! Everybuddy is nice, friendly and supportive! Everybuddy is treated equally! There are good schools here and the environment is so green and clean! New Zealand is also a multinational country, anyone can live here!

Image result for nz landscape
Image result for nz sky tower

Image result for nz landscape