Cadbury Is Closed
By Cathy / Catherine
When someone says Cadbury we all think about that yummy
tasty chocolate that has been one of everyone's favourites. By
closing the Cadbury factory in Dunedin lots of things have
affected New Zealand.
In 1930 Cadbury teamed up and made the first ever cadbury bar
of chocolate. When people had tasted the chocolate they all
liked it and that’s when Cadbury started to wow everyone by the
amazing taste.
When you think about that tasty chocolate you feel happy but
when you hear the the factory in dunedin has closed and all the
way in Australia they have started a chocolate factory you feel
sad and don’t believe what your hearing at first, but sadly this is
for real, this is all true.
There are so many reasons to be sad because lots of workers
have lost their jobs and because the new chocolate factory is in
Australia bringing the chocolate to local supermarkets will be
hard and expensive because it’s coming from overseas and the
chocolate probably will cost more.
Another thing I am sad about is that New Zealand's Cadbury
history is going to be lost. Did you know that since 2002 every
year Cadbury does a race with chocolate jaffa balls. They roll
jaffers down the steepest street in the world that is Baldwin
Street and sees which jaffer ball reaches the end first.
Closing Cadbury is heartbreaking for all chocolate lovers like me.
We can’t do anything now but I vehemently, believe that
Cadbury shouldn't have been closed!!!
By Cathy / Catherine